Hiring for Passion and Alignment: The Key to Building Successful Teams
In recruitment, the ultimate goal is more than just filling a vacancy; it’s about finding a motivated individual who not only excels in their role...
The debate over whether a strong and positive organisational culture drives high team and business performance has long been debated in the business world. Recent research, books, and data have found that a team's cutlure is directly related to it's performance. Whilst it’s become clear that while high performance can’t build a strong culture, a strong and positive team culture is essential for achieving high performance.
The discussion over the past three-decades has highlighted a common theme on what creates the 'best' cultures - they are built on a set of shared beliefs, practices and values that all team members believe in and live on a day-to-day basis. Whilst articulating these values is important, it's the small things, the everyday practices that truly define an organisation's culture. When all team members across the business consistently live and breathe the values, the culture becomes ingrained in the organisation, and therefore the culture becomes self-sustaining.
Some of these 'little things' that help build a strong and self-sustaining culture, are how you conduct meetings (both internal and external), how you celebrate success (both at a team and individual level), and how performance is evaluated. Once these little things are consistent and embedded in the organisation, a more unified, aligned and high-performing workplace will be easier to achieve.
If you are interested in discussing your team's culture, or how you should consider your team to help elevate your team's performance, the Competing Values Framework can offer some insights into how your team is currently structured, to help you get the most out of your team.
If you would like to discuss further, please contact Steven Nunn.